Hidden before our very eyes, clues to understanding the human brain and learning have been overlooked for centuries. Michaelangelo's painting above is an example. As many as 10,000 visitors a day miss the human brain he painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Adam, God (with Eve in his left arm), and the human brain, it's all there, larger than life! Children similarly show us the hidden clues to understanding the unique ways their brain's learn. Come along on this voyage into the mind of a child as we employ strategies to optimize their learning based on recent developments in brain research.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Human Brain and Learning.

If you have not seen Michaelangelo’s painting of the human brain ...

There’s a medical certificate in your doctor’s office proving completion of 7 years of preparation to be your doctor.  You would not fly to London, Tokyo, or Nairobi if you’re pilot was not similarly certified.

Here is a course of training that will make you “certificated” in understanding the development of young human brains if you’re planning to be a parent or a teacher. 


Invitation to those involved in education at home or at school.
1. Teachers are invited to do Brain and Learning Research in their classrooms.  Invite  a colleague to come in and observe your class in this Brain and Learning Experiment. Take turns doing the following.  Ask your observer to assess the percentage of students engaged in active learning while the teacher is presenting information: count those who are asking questions, taking notes, diagramming the teachers lecture etc.

10%   20%   30%    40%    50%    60%   70%    80%    90%    100%

The goal is to up this percentage using mindful strategies.

4 simple exercises to strengthen your attention and reduce distractibility... Increase Attention Click HERE.