Dr Shankardass specializes in a groundbreaking EEG diagnostic technology developed by Harvard University. This technology records and analyses the EEG (brain electrical activity) in real time, allowing them to watch the child's brain as it performs various functions, detect even the slightest abnormalities in these functions, and provide a more accurate and comprehensive clinical, picture of the child's abnormalities. Click HERE for her website and Ted Talk.
2. Your Brain On Music with Bobbie McFerrin. My classroom felt like this. Mr. McFerrin uses music the way we can use brain compatible techniques to maximize learning. Observe the clip then play it back and participate. See him as a teacher, feel your response as a student. Then we'll talk about how to make this happen in the classroom. Clip 3 illuminates how this connects to brain research.
3. Imagine Bobbi's brain as he describes how his brain composes music and how he communicates the composition on the fly.
"I like to start someplace that's unfamiliar to me and see where it goes."
4. HOW TO BUILD A BETTER BRAIN. May, 2009. People hire personal trainers to build better bodies, but how do we go about building a better brain? Published in the journal NeuroImage, researchers report that specific regions in the brains of long-term meditators were larger than in a similar control group of people who did not meditate. Click here for the article: http://newsroom.ucla.edu/portal/ucla/how-to-build-a-bigger-brain-91273.aspx
4. HOW TO BUILD A BETTER BRAIN. May, 2009. People hire personal trainers to build better bodies, but how do we go about building a better brain? Published in the journal NeuroImage, researchers report that specific regions in the brains of long-term meditators were larger than in a similar control group of people who did not meditate. Click here for the article: http://newsroom.ucla.edu/portal/ucla/how-to-build-a-bigger-brain-91273.aspx
Shown above, the right orbito-frontal cortex, is one of the brain areas that researchers reveal are enlarged due to meditation. While it takes years accomplish this, there are everyday strategies we can employ to optimize learning. Scroll down this blog for examples of what you can do.
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